JanusVR Documentation


There are certain questions that are asked quite a bit. This section is dedicated to answering those common questions.


* I have a bug to submit or a feature request. Where/how can I do this?

You may report bugs by using this form.

* Where are the settings files located?

The settings are located within your Documents/janusvr/appdata folder.

* How do I switch Janus VR between monitors (running multiple monitor desktop, or using with Oculus Rift)?

You can use the -adapter [screennumber] command line parameter to launch the program on to a specific screen. You can use shift+windowskey+left/right arrow on Windows computers to quickly move the window to another screen.
Pressing ESC will free your mouse from the JanusVR window. F11 will return you to full screen.

* How do I make a new bookmark?

Pressing CTRL+B will add your current location to the bookmarks. Pressing again will get rid of it. To access this area, simply type bookmarks in the URL bar and press enter.

* How do I take a screenshot?

Pressing F8 will take a screenshot of the whole screen. Pressing F7 will take a portal sized screenshot for use as a thumbnail.

* How do I alter my avatar?

Find your settings folder (listed above). Inside of this folder you will find a file called userid.txt. This file is formatted using the same markup as normal rooms in JanusVR.

* I just made a DIY HMD. Is there any way I can experience JanusVR using this render mode?

Use the command line parameter to specify the render mode (use "sbs" with the -render flag):

janusvr -render sbs

or if the left/right eye images seem flipped/reversed, you can also run Janus VR using:

janusvr -render sbs_reverse

* Can you give me a list of the different command line parameters available?

Janus VR - Help
Command line usage:

janusvr [-server SERVER] [-port PORT] [-rate RATE] [-ms SAMPLES]
[-adapter X] [-render MODE] [-window] [-width X] [-height X]
[-help] [url]

-server - SERVER specifies the server to create an initial portal
-port - PORT is a number that specifies the port of the server to connect to
-rate - RATE specifies update rate in milliseconds with multiplayer server
(default 200ms)
-adapter - X specifies the screen that the Janus window will be positioned on
-render - MODE specifies render mode
(can be any of: 2d, sbs, sbs_reverse, rift, vive, cube, equi)
-window - launch as a window instead of fullscreen
-width - set width of JanusVR window in windowed mode
-height - set height of JanusVR window in windowed mode
-novsync - run JanusVR without V-sync
-help - prints out this help information, then exits
url - location to start in