JanusVR Documentation

[BUILD] Markup Language: Intro to JML

JanusVR is essentially a web browser. Like most web browsers, content is defined through a "markup language" stored within an html file.

The JanusVR Markup Language (JML) is the basis for most three dimensional webspaces in JanusVR. By simply adding the JanusVR Markup Language to any document and then visiting that document in JanusVR, you can transform it into a rich 3D environment.


Below is an example of a simple JML webspace with nothing inside of it.




As you can see, JML is always contained within the <FireBoxRoom></FireBoxRoom> tags. Below you can learn more about the <Assets> and <Room> section of the markup.

<Assets> Tag

The <Assets> Tag allows you to load assets into the webspace. All elements contained within this section will be loaded into memory to later be placed within the room. The Assets section is essentially the "loading" section of the markup.

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<Room> Tag

After having loaded assets into the webspace via the <Assets> Tag, you can place them in three dimensional space via the <Room> Tag. The Room section is essentially the "placement" section of the markup.

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Implementing into Your Website

JML can easily be embedded in a website without altering the layout by simply encapsulating it within a comment within a webpage.


Below is an example of JML contained within a standard webpage via a comment. The title of this webpage will be displayed on the portal once the user clicks on it.

<title>Example title</title>





That's all! If you've mastered these sections then you're ready to learn about making interactive content. Simply head over to our Javascript Intro section for more information on making stuff move and react.